/hΩme /♬ /∧bout  LEON DU STAR ɘlectronic funk music livɘ-artist from Europɘ

seminal kungfu

BOOM! This is maybe one of the most highenergetic tracks I’ve made.
Check out this filterfunk jackin madness!

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ripping up sound

Finished a new track!
Its called “ripping up sounds” because it sounds cool. I wanted to go for a Nuskool chicagosound.
Check it out... read more


As an extention of my usual funky stuff, I had the priviledge to do the audiodesign, together with batsboy, for a videomapping-project directed ... read more

composing at borndigital

Today I decided to work on some tracks at borndigital hq. Sometimes you need to push yourself to search for inspiring environments. Its a great ... read more

5minute cake!

How would you impress your beloved friends, artists, and/or businessrelations?
Would you show him your latest tracks? Your new underpants?... read more

new midicontroller!

whoohoo finally my midicontroller is here. This baby will be my ultimate tool while making livesets. For the people who are not familiar with th... read more